I know this is a little late, but better late than never. My daughter and a team of friends raced in the Kids Mini-Pole Pedal Paddle a couple of weeks ago. They had a blast. The girls are all 2nd graders and it was their first year competing in the race. They did very well considering they were the last team in their raft and all the other teams shoved off and were part way down the river before our girls were even in their boat. That is probably my only complaint. I wish there would have been better sportsmanship with all the rafts leaving the shore at the same time. The teams that did have the head start were the teams that won the division. I'm assuming since our group was the first to race that morning that the rafting guides must have had to work out the kinks. Luckily our girls didn't notice and had a great time anyway.
All-in-all I highly recommend the mini-PPP. It was well organized and there were many volunteers that did a great job shuffling our kids around and my thanks go out to them. Our girls will compete again next year and if there was a complaint from them it would have to be that the race wasn't long enough. Thank you MBSEF and all volunteers.
Great job Chipmunk Champions!!!
It was so nice that the weather cooperated this year. We have never done the kids PPP without wind, rain, and cold. Here is a short clip of my daugter's team. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzw80q-ga_M
welcome to my twitter group. I am following you also.
Hey Skip, great video of your daughters team. We were very lucky this year for the kids PPP. In fact I think it's the only hint of summer we've had. I'll keep my fingers crossed for next year.
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